The Vision To Look Ahead
Back in 2012, as a citizen advocate, Sen. Bouchard sounded the alarm on plummeting Natural Gas and Coal prices, warning that Wyoming must reign in out of control government spending to avoid our current budget crisis.
Anthony Bouchard is the ONLY candidate in this race that warned of the coming downfall and who is working to solve the problem.
During his first term in office, Sen. Bouchard has a proven and consistent voting record in support of government transparency and fiscal accountability. His sponsorship of legislation for Legislative Auditing of government agencies has earned him a seat on the important Management Audit Committee.
Anthony Bouchard is the ONLY candidate in this race with a record of fiscal responsibility and government accountability to taxpayers.
Proper Role Of Government
Traditional “tax and spend” policies undermine government’s first responsibility, which is to protect the right of the people to be free to live their lives without having to beg for permission from government bureaucrats.
Instead of spending all of the money during a cycle (for the purpose of requesting a larger budget the following year) we need to create incentives for department heads to lower their operating costs.
As Ronald Reagan pointed out years ago, at all levels, government is too big and spends too much.
Anthony Bouchard is the ONLY candidate in this race who fights for less bureaucracy, less government, and reduced taxes and fees.
Reigning in Corrupt Special Interests
Sen. Bouchard has consistently stood up to the crony-corporate interests that have controlled the Wyoming legislature for too long.
Anthony Bouchard is the ONLY candidate in this race who is NOT a big-government corporate lobbyist.
Wyoming’s Budget Process
The Wyoming Budget should be developed using a process that is more effective, deliberative and accountable. We are literally in a mad rush during the ‘budget year’ and we need a cap on supplemental budget allocations in non-budget years. Additionally, before we throw more money at an existing project, we need to question the necessity of the project to begin with. If taxpayers aren’t getting the desired outcome, projects should be immediately fixed or eliminated.
Anthony Bouchard is the ONLY candidate in this race that fights for taxpayers to stop the current rush to over allocate funds.
Taxes-Government Spending
Wyomingites are victims of out-of-touch politicians who act just like their Washington DC counterparts. Excessive spending and steep pay raises for upper level government staffers has created a corrupted and bloated government that is inching us closer to the implementation of a state income tax.
The average American already works four months per year just to pay taxes.
That’s outrageous.
Unless we curb the state government’s appetite for spending, it will create more and more unnecessary burdens on Wyoming businesses and families.
Anthony Bouchard is the ONLY candidate in this race who has actually opposed tax increases in committee as a citizen advocate and as our State Senator.
As your Senator, Anthony will continue to oppose all tax and “fee” increases and push for a spending audit. He will also continue to demand that state agencies like WyDOT and Game and Fish are no longer allowed to operate apart from the state-wide book keeping system.
Executive Staff Corruption
Upper level State Executive Staff have received big pay raises under Matt Mead, some as large as $50,000 a year. While this was happening, lower level state employees got nothing.
Building more ‘top heavy’ Government in an economic down turn is a recipe for disaster. Wyoming’s corrupt government managerial schemes are unsustainable. We must end the continued practice of ‘managers managing managers’ that has been going on for far too long in Wyoming.
Anthony Bouchard is the ONLY candidate in this race that will work to thoughtfully reorganize state government to make it more accountable to taxpayers.
Empower parents and kick the ‘Paid Lobbyists’ out of education! We need to stop Top-Down Mandates and put the money in the classrooms where they belong.
Anthony Bouchard is the ONLY candidate in the race that will fight the special interests crippling our teachers and students.
Healthcare we can Live with
The push to expand Obamacare’s mandate in Wyoming was a trap purposely written into the so-called “Affordable Healthcare Act.” Now the shift is to EXPAND MEDICAID. This will only cause more cost shifting and drive providers out of business.
Anthony Bouchard is the ONLY candidate in this race who has fought against Obamacare. In 2011, he personally worked with the House and Senate sponsors of a constitutional amendment to protect Wyoming against Obamacare.
By 2012 this amendment was voted in by the people of Wyoming in Article 1, Section 38 of the Wyoming Constitution. “Each competent adult shall have the right to make his or her own health care decisions…The state of Wyoming shall act to preserve these rights from undue governmental infringement.”
As a member of the Senate Committee on Health, Labor and Social Services, Sen. Bouchard will continue to fight against failing schemes that originated in DC and for cost effectiveness and reforms that will empower providers to deliver better health care services to Wyoming citizens.
Healthcare Provider Fraud
As a member of the Senate Committee on Health, Labor and Social Services, Sen. Bouchard has fought to expose fraudulent practices that robs both taxpayers and the segment of our population who are most in need. Wyoming must face its past mistakes in handling fraudulent healthcare providers and develop quality assurance standards that hold bad actors accountable.
Anthony Bouchard is the ONLY candidate in this race who fights for accountability in the Dept of Health.
Religious Liberty
Clergy, bakers, photographers, etc., should not be forced to perform against their will and conscience.
In every case cited, there were other options for service. When clergy, non-profits, and businesses owners are no longer free to conduct their affairs as they choose, we will continue to become a socialist dictatorship.
Anthony Bouchard is the ONLY candidate in this race who will defend religious liberty at every turn.
Pro-life is Pro-Family
Anthony Bouchard is the ONLY candidate in this race that will defend traditional family values and the right to life as fundamental principles of liberty.
He is the ONLY candidate in this race that has a voting record in support of pro-life and pro-family values.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
Second Amendment
The right to individual gun ownership is enumerated in the Wyoming Constitution entitled Declaration of Rights, Article 1 Section 24 and plainly reads as follows: “The right of citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and of the state shall not be denied.”
Prior to serving in the Senate, Sen. Bouchard led Wyoming Gun Owners Association for over 7 years, and he is the ONLY candidate with a proven commitment to defending gun rights in Wyoming.
As your state senator, he will continue to lead the fight to change Wyoming from a ‘retreat state’ to a Stand Your Ground State. Not only was this landmark legislation passed in 2018, it was recently tested and passed muster in the Wyoming Supreme Court.
Anthony Bouchard is the ONLY candidate in this race that has the knowledge and experience to take on the gun control crowd.
*Never trust the campaign rhetoric of say-anything politicians during election time. Trust only those who walk the walk, like Anthony Bouchard, who have a proven record of advancing our conservative Wyoming values.